Friday, February 1, 2013

Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency

1.Describe T.R.’s life before he became president (where he was from, date he was born, something interesting about his life)
he was born in New York in 1858 before T.R. was president he was the lieutenant colonel of the rough rider regiment. after he was elected governor of New York, he was also an assemblymen. The teddy bear began after T.R. did not kill a little bear while hunting

2.How did he become president?
T.R. became president after president Mckinley was assasinted on September 14, 1901, in 1904 he was elected to a full term.

3.What was T.R.’s “Bully Pulpit?”
the bully pulpit was a type of way to talk with the people used by T.R. this also let the people say what they though using the media

4.Summarize T.R.’s opinion on civil rights
T.R. opinion on civil rights was that they should but seperate but equal. he did not believe that African-Americans should be completely equal in the form of rights

5.Explain if you would like T.R. if he were president today.
i think i would have liked T.R. as apresident except for his idea on civil rights. that was one bad thing about him

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