Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The U.S. After WWI

1.Describe the feeling many americans had after WWI
Everyone was tired of war, aqrguing, the economy, change,unemployment, minorities

2.What were some reations by Americans to their post WWI feelings?
They were afraid of outsiders, they practiced nativism (prejudice against foreign-born people) and isolationism(staying out of foreign affairs). they had a fear of communism

3.What did the Palmer raids acomplish? Why did palmer do the raids?
He was going after political radicals. He was affraid of communism.

4.What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's?
Their numbers grew by almost 600%. They feared that the African- Americans, jews and everybody else would be treated equally.

5.What was the quota system?
the quota system was made to limit the number of immigrants coming over to the U.S.

6.Was the quota system discriminatory? If yes to whom
yes the quota was discriminatory to people in Eastern and Southern Europe mostly Jews and Catholics

7.How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
Mexico was not affected by this system as well as Canada. this law did not apply to them

8.How was japan affected by the quota system?
Japan was affected by this because they had already made the Gentlemens Agreement in 1907 with T.R. to limit the amount of japaneese coming to the U.S. and now they would be limited again.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Progressives Exam Reflection

11.Muckrakers were
my answer: conservationist
correct answer: journalists
i got it wrong because i marked the wrong bubble on this problem
19.based on the map you could infer that Ohio was_______ than pennsylvania in the early 1900's
my answer: more progressive
correct answer: less progressive
i got it wrong because i was not careful when reading the answer choices. i read them to quickly.

21.The last states to grant women full suffrage befor 1920 were
my answer: New York, Michigan, and South Dakota
correct answer: Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Michigan
i got this wrong because i was going to fast through the test and i marked the wrong answer choice. i was not careful

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Treatment of Peoples of Color

How did Mexicans earn a living in the late 1800's & where did they do this work?
 Mexicans would work in the railroads. They were also part of the development of mining and agriculture. Mexicans would work in the southwestern part of the U.S.

Describe African-American life in the 1900's(Where did they move to, what was their experience, etc)?
  African-American life was difficult. they were forced into segregated neighborhoods in the north as well as in the south. They were discriminated in the work place. often fired before the white worker?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Recreation in the U.S.

When and why did americans begin to recreate?
Americans began to recreate in the late 1800's. they did this to get away from the city. also to get away from their work. they wanted to have fun.

Were the reasons Americans began to recreate the same or different compared to americans today?
i think the reasons are the same today as befor. today people do these thing to have fun. they still do them to get away from work and the city. and to enjoy time with their families.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency

1.Describe T.R.’s life before he became president (where he was from, date he was born, something interesting about his life)
he was born in New York in 1858 before T.R. was president he was the lieutenant colonel of the rough rider regiment. after he was elected governor of New York, he was also an assemblymen. The teddy bear began after T.R. did not kill a little bear while hunting

2.How did he become president?
T.R. became president after president Mckinley was assasinted on September 14, 1901, in 1904 he was elected to a full term.

3.What was T.R.’s “Bully Pulpit?”
the bully pulpit was a type of way to talk with the people used by T.R. this also let the people say what they though using the media

4.Summarize T.R.’s opinion on civil rights
T.R. opinion on civil rights was that they should but seperate but equal. he did not believe that African-Americans should be completely equal in the form of rights

5.Explain if you would like T.R. if he were president today.
i think i would have liked T.R. as apresident except for his idea on civil rights. that was one bad thing about him