Wednesday, January 23, 2013

China & WWI

1. Which country's interest did the Open Door Policy in China favor?
It favored the U.S.

2. What were the reasons behind the Boxer Rebellion?
they hated that all the Europeans and Americans were coming into their country

3. List three causes of World War I?
militarism-builing up armies, imperialism-forming empires, formation of alliances- having a gang mentality when there was problems

4. How did the U.S. deal with German U-boats?
they sent the ships in groups gaurded by military boats

5. What was the Selective Service Act used for?
it was a law that made men sign up for the army draft so the U.S. could build a bigger army

6. What new weapons did WWI introduce?
some new weapons were machine guns tanks and airplanes

7. How did the Espionage and Sedition Act affect Freedom of Speech and Labor Unions?
you could get a $10,000 fine or up to 20 years of prison if you spoke out against the war decision or for interfereing with the war effort

8. Why was there opposition to President Wilson's League of Nations?
they believed that it would threatend the U.S. policy of isolationism, their plicy of minding your own buisness.

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