Tuesday, October 30, 2012

blog entry #7

December 3, 1819

   Today is my last day here. tomorow i will die the doctors said i have a strange illness that cant be cured. not everything is so bad. i lived for 343 years. it was worth living all this time. i did see many things that i didnt want to see like the killing of my people. but there was many great things as well like the start of The United States. how they started all the troubles they went through. it was great overall. tomorow my funeral will be really celebrated. all the people i know will be there.i want the best singers from Europe here. i want everyone celebrating. and my best friends to talk about my life or at least part of my life.what i think will end up happening later is they will have lots of things. like they will be able to fly in the air like the birds. and they wont have to do anything because they will have machines that will do everything for them. the sad part about this is i wont get to see it, but its been good for the last 343 years so i cant complain. tomorrow i will return to the place where i was born the place where the history of the country started. where Christopher Columbus landed. i will return home.so i could see my home for the last time and celebrate my last day. i want to die celebrating and happy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

blog entry #6 history hw

New York 1789
  i was talking to one of my friends. we started talking about how the new government was going to turn out. he told me of something he had heard. he said this man named James Madison proposed this plan to please everybody. the anti-federalist wanted their rights to be protected. so to satisfy them they created the bill of rights, which stated ten rights that were added on to the Constitution. this made them very happy so the all agreed to be part of the U.S..all the 13 states Georgia, Rhode Island, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and of course Massachusetts. my friend and i also thought it would be funny if the country got much bigger.

blog entry #5 history hw

New York 1789
   i was watching as George Washington took the oath of office. it was something very exciting. he was the first president of this brand new country. as he was talking he mentioned some of the problems him and congress were going to face. he said that there needed to be a judicial branch to carry out laws. they had decided they would need to make a supreme court. so they passed the judiciary act. he also said they would need to create a group of people to help in the executive branch. but to help with this they would make a department of war, department of treasury, and the department of state. they would need to pick people to take these spots in the government.as Washington was finishing up his oath i heard somebody yell out "sleeping eagle" when i turned to look i saw my friend so we decided to leave a little bit befor the rest of the people to avoid so many people walking.