Friday, December 21, 2012

The New American Immigrants

Take the quiz at

 Which was NOT a reason why native-born Americans encouraged Americanization?
             D. Native-born Americans wanted to teach new immigrants cooking skills

What were cities most like for the new immigrants coming to America?
             D. Plenty of single-family homes

What would best describe the cities to a new immigrant?
             A. Pickpockets and thieves were plenty

Why did immigrants move to the cities in the first place?
             D. A & B only

People moved from the farms to the cities because?
             D. None of the above

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Labor Unions Emerge PG.67

  1. Based upon what i have read labor unions were good because they tried to get better working conditions for all the workers. they also tried to get higher wages because they were not being paid enough to survive.
  2. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstresses died because of the poor conditions in which they worked in. They burned inside. These deaths could have been prevented if they had more things for fire safety like sprinklers fire escapes and if the conditions were not that bad.
  3. Monopolists did not want unions because that would mean that they had to pay their workers more improve benefits, and improve working conditions. Union workers did not like scabs because they would do the same work as them for even less money so it did not help them.
  4. Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because they were socialists and the monopolists did not like this because they wanted to be the only rich people and not share their wealth.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hopelessly Bound To The Stake

What were the pieces of information you chose?
Workers had to work hard for long hours and got paid very little.
The workers would end up in debt with the company.
Workers would be replaced with other people who would work for less.
Were labor unions neccessary? Why?
Labor unions back then were neccessary because they would improve the work conditions
and wages over time. Even though at the beggining they did not seem to work.

Did the Government help make monopolies? How? 
The Government did help to make monopolies because they made laws with very little power to stop the rich from making monopolies. They also did not have any laws to protect the workers so they were underpaid and worked in bad and dangerous conditions.

How did money in politics contribute to this cartoon? How has this changed? 
Money in politics contributed to this cartoon because the rich would get the laws to be helpful to them only while the workers had to suffer in those conditions. It has changed now because workers have more rights and are protected now by laws that keep them from being overworked.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are The Old Boses Still In Charge?

What is the setting for the cartoon?
the setting for the cartoon is the senate of the United States (bicameral government/ House of Represenatives)

What entrance is open, what entrance is closed?
The Monopolists entrance is the one that is open and the peoples is closed which is wrong because the people should have a say and get to choose.

Who do you think the large men at the back of the room represent?
I think the large men at the back are all the monopolists. the rich people.

Why would the large men be in the room in the first place?
They are there to show that they have power in the government and are part of the creation of the laws.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rise of Industry and Monopolies

What were the three main causes of industrial growth in America?
The three main causes for industrial growth in America were 
caused by the Government who supported the business, a 
growing urban population which meant cheap labor lots of workers
and a market for new products because there were more people.
The last thing was there was a wealth of natural resources in America.

Trusts and Monopolies during Americas early industrial age created
a society where workers had to work very hard for little pay. there
was hardly any competition sense one company would own almost
all the if not all the companies of the same type. this meant you had to pay
whatever price they would set for there supplies and no way to get
them cheaper like oil. this was not good for the people of the U.S.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Because Of Electricity

We could see at night
we could work during the night
it was now better

this explains electricity and its impact because it made some things much easier and better. you could now see better in the dark and you could power many things with electricity. there was still a lot of struggling but this improved life a little by making somethings easier.  machines could now be run on electricity. it was cheaper to use electricity than other things like gas and oil. it was also much safer to use electricity it could be controlled better than gas. gas would set on fire quickly while if you did the wiring and things for electricity right you would be safe.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Major events before the civil war

  1. Around 1858 the U.S. was divided geographically into north and south. the south being agricultural and the north being industrial
  2. The country was so divided by the issue of slavery, California was only accepted by making the compromise of 1858
  3. Around this time many southern states were seriously considering leaving the union.
  4. Many people from the north hated slavery, because they thought its was immoral.
  5. when Uncle Toms Cabin was published, the south took it as an attack on them.
  6. Two politicians became famous for their slavery debates, they were Abraham Lincoln who thought slavery was immoral, and Stephen Douglas who believed in popular sovereignty.
  7. On December 20, 1860 the south seceded from the union and the civil war would  begin.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Analysis

My partner is Josue Martinez

  1. Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land"
  2. Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority"
  3. What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product?
  4. Why was Oregon's referendum not passed?
  • an example of sumpreme law of the land is
 "Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights"
  • an example of federal vs state authority is when they say that in the state it is legal but in the eyes of the federal government it is still illegal
"The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will," said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, in a statement. "This is a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug, so don't break out the Cheetos or goldfish too quickly."
  • the compromise made in washington was they would tax it by 25% three times ,when produced ,when it is processed and when it is sold to consumers.
  • oregons referendum didnt pass because it gave more power to the people growing it than to the overseers. 
1. What audience do you think social media was targeted to? Explain. (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well)
2. Which candidate was most effective using social media? Explain. (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well)
3. According to Jeffrey Hermes, taking a picture of your marked ballot can be used to pressure people standing in line to vote. Do you agree or disagree, and why?  (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well)
  •  I think they aimed the social media toward the younger people and those who were buisy and couldnt watch the debates. i think this because most people spend there time on social media so they will be informed on the things being done by both candidates.
  • I think Barack Obama was better, he came out on many things like reddit answering questions. also his writing was the most tweeted around the country so this sort of shows who was better.
  • I dont think this puts any type of pressure on anybody. they could still make their own choice and if they get influenced by a picture then they really were undecided  and unsure who to pick. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Immigration/Industrialization Key Terms

  1. NATAVIST/NAVATISM is when you take more interist in the natives than in the immigrants
  2. GEORGE EASTMAN was a buisnessman who invented the film for taking pictures
  3. HORIZANTAL/VERTICAL INTEGRATION is a type of manegment style used for making better profits
  4. THE MEAT INSPECTION ACT was a law passed to make the meat sold more sanitary and for no bad meat to be sold
  5. Thomas Edison was an inventer who made things such as the light bulb and motion picture camera
  6. AMERICANIZATION is what they called it when an immigrant to the United States shared their values, beliefs, and customs
  7. A REFORM is the improvement of something that is wrong or unsatisfactory in the government
  8. The PROGRESSIVE ERA/MOVEMENT was a time of social activism and political reform during the 1890's to 1920's
  9. TRUST/MONOPOLY were the unlawful companies that controled all the aspects of buisness and controlled the prices
  10. UPTON SINCLAIR was an american author who was a candidate for governor of california, wrote close to 100 books including THE JUNGLE  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

blog entry #7

December 3, 1819

   Today is my last day here. tomorow i will die the doctors said i have a strange illness that cant be cured. not everything is so bad. i lived for 343 years. it was worth living all this time. i did see many things that i didnt want to see like the killing of my people. but there was many great things as well like the start of The United States. how they started all the troubles they went through. it was great overall. tomorow my funeral will be really celebrated. all the people i know will be there.i want the best singers from Europe here. i want everyone celebrating. and my best friends to talk about my life or at least part of my life.what i think will end up happening later is they will have lots of things. like they will be able to fly in the air like the birds. and they wont have to do anything because they will have machines that will do everything for them. the sad part about this is i wont get to see it, but its been good for the last 343 years so i cant complain. tomorrow i will return to the place where i was born the place where the history of the country started. where Christopher Columbus landed. i will return i could see my home for the last time and celebrate my last day. i want to die celebrating and happy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

blog entry #6 history hw

New York 1789
  i was talking to one of my friends. we started talking about how the new government was going to turn out. he told me of something he had heard. he said this man named James Madison proposed this plan to please everybody. the anti-federalist wanted their rights to be protected. so to satisfy them they created the bill of rights, which stated ten rights that were added on to the Constitution. this made them very happy so the all agreed to be part of the U.S..all the 13 states Georgia, Rhode Island, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and of course Massachusetts. my friend and i also thought it would be funny if the country got much bigger.

blog entry #5 history hw

New York 1789
   i was watching as George Washington took the oath of office. it was something very exciting. he was the first president of this brand new country. as he was talking he mentioned some of the problems him and congress were going to face. he said that there needed to be a judicial branch to carry out laws. they had decided they would need to make a supreme court. so they passed the judiciary act. he also said they would need to create a group of people to help in the executive branch. but to help with this they would make a department of war, department of treasury, and the department of state. they would need to pick people to take these spots in the Washington was finishing up his oath i heard somebody yell out "sleeping eagle" when i turned to look i saw my friend so we decided to leave a little bit befor the rest of the people to avoid so many people walking.