Monday, March 25, 2013

TGD-How TND Affected Peoples of Color Pt. 1

1. Why did Pedro Gonzalez become a Mexican-American hero?
he talked about and exposed racism and discrimination

2. Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
she was the first women to be appointed into the cabinet

3. What was the “Black Cabinet,” and who was the leader?
that was the name given to FDR's advisors African-Americans who were there to help the president the leader was Mary Mcleod Bethune

TGD-Programs of The New Deal

1. What was THE major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
Roosevelt actually he;ped the people while Hoover was scared to try anything

2. Which New Deal program was most responsible for creating the most jobs and how did the program achieve this?
it was the WPA who hired unskilled workers and gave them jobs. they spent $11 million to hire 8 million unskilled workers

3. What impact did the Social Security Act have on Americans?
it allowed older people to retire comfortably without having to worry about how to survive, it helped those who were unemployed and gave money to the families sso they could eat.

4. Why was Huey Long against TND?
he thought it was inadequate

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TGD-FDR &The New Deal

1. Who was FDR? (write a summary of your three most important facts)
FDR was the only president to ever be elected more than twice. he had to handle the worst financial crisis and WWII. he really cared about the people of the U.S.

2. Who were FDR’s carefully-picked advisers, and why were they important to the president?
They were a group of lawyers and journalists the helped the president with all the work.

3. What was The New Deal?
it was made to give the people of the U.S. a new start from their old lives where theey struggled

4. What three goals did The New Deal attempt to address?
it attempted to relieve the needy help economic recovery and financial reform

5. What was the first action FDR took as president?
the first thing he did was close all the banks and only allow the ones that were in good financial state to re-open.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Great Depresssion -President Hoover's handling of the Crisis

Herbert Hoover, a Republican President at the beginning of the Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because he could not hanlde what was happening at the time. He could not get families into better living arrangements.Farmers were so mad about the low crop prices that they would burn their crops and throw their milk on the highways. some refused to work others would block the roads so no food could get to stores. The farmers that lost their farms would use force to keep from forclosure. Hoover did not have very good principles. He refused to support direct relief or other forms of federal welfare. the last thing that kept Hoover from re-election  was what happened to the bonus army. The bonus army were all World War I veterans. they wanted their $500 bonus for serving. Hoover thought they were criminals and communists so he denied them the bonus and as well as gased the bonus army and their families with tear gas when they showed up at the capitol. A 11 month old baby died and an 8 year old boy was partially blinded.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Depression- Hardships & suffering

1. Describe the Dust Bowl; what caused it?
the dust bowl was a wind storm that picked up lots of dust and sand it blew it all over the middle of the U.S. the cause of it was the farmes over used the lands that held the dirt down.

2. Describe how TGD affected: (a.) children, (b.) families, (c.) women, (d.) men, (e.) people of color
a).children did not go to school instead they would work and try to help out their famalies
b).famalies struggled to make ends meet day by day
c).women tried to get work anywhere they could to help out
d).men were not used to being out of work so they would try to support their families anyway they could they would work and do any job
e).people of color were treated bad they faced racial discrimination as well as being the lowest paied group

3. Who were “hoboes,” and how did they travel?
they were transients. they did not stay in one place instead they hitched rides on trains and would stay under bridges

4. What was an enduring effect on people because of TGD?
one thought that stayed with the people after The Great Depression was the thought of never being poor again they would do anything to not be poor.

The Great Depression

1.                  94% of Americans had how much income in one year?
most americans had an income of less than $5000 a year

2.                  Why is Wall Street important to American business?
wall street was important because that is where the New York stock exchange is which is where companies sold their stocks.

3.                 If the stock market crash did NOT cause the Great Depression, what did?
somethings were tariffs and war debt policies that cut down foreign marckets. also a crisis in the farm sector. the availability to get easy credit for people who couldnt pay back. lastly an unequal distribution of income

4.                  What of what you read is similar to what is happening in the Great Recession?
one major thing is that their is a lot of people out of work right now as well as back then.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Roaring 1920's: People, Places and Events

1.What are some beliefs held by fundamentalists?
some beliefs were that the bible stories were all correct and they did not believe in evolution because it was not in the bible

2.The Scopes Trial challenged what law?
this trial challenged the law that banned the teaching of evolution

3.The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for who?
it created different behavior rules for men and women it gave men more of a freedom to express themselves sexually

4.why did Charles Lindbergh become famous? Louis Armstrong?
Charles Lindbergh became famous for flying across the Atlantic. Louis Armstrong became famous for jazz

5.what was the Harlem Renaissance?
this was a literary and artistic movement celebrating African-Americans culture in Harlem New York

Life in the 1920's Changed: Prohibition

1.                  What was Prohibition?
Prohibition was the banning of alcohol in the U.S.

2.                  What groups were responsible for the idea of Prohibition?

one group was the church affiliated Anti-Saloon League

3.                  What were their reasons?

their reasons was that alcohol caused bad behavior and morals like wife and child abbuse

4.                  How did people get illegal alcohol?

they got illegal alcohol from speakeasies which were places like offices or basements and also from bootleggers

5.                  In your opinion, was Prohibition a good or bad idea, and why?

i think it was a bad idea because it just caused the people to resort to illegal ways of getting it and it caused organized crimes.

New Technology and the 1920's

automobile affects on america by Brandon Tello on GoAnimate

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