Friday, December 21, 2012

The New American Immigrants

Take the quiz at

 Which was NOT a reason why native-born Americans encouraged Americanization?
             D. Native-born Americans wanted to teach new immigrants cooking skills

What were cities most like for the new immigrants coming to America?
             D. Plenty of single-family homes

What would best describe the cities to a new immigrant?
             A. Pickpockets and thieves were plenty

Why did immigrants move to the cities in the first place?
             D. A & B only

People moved from the farms to the cities because?
             D. None of the above

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Labor Unions Emerge PG.67

  1. Based upon what i have read labor unions were good because they tried to get better working conditions for all the workers. they also tried to get higher wages because they were not being paid enough to survive.
  2. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstresses died because of the poor conditions in which they worked in. They burned inside. These deaths could have been prevented if they had more things for fire safety like sprinklers fire escapes and if the conditions were not that bad.
  3. Monopolists did not want unions because that would mean that they had to pay their workers more improve benefits, and improve working conditions. Union workers did not like scabs because they would do the same work as them for even less money so it did not help them.
  4. Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because they were socialists and the monopolists did not like this because they wanted to be the only rich people and not share their wealth.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hopelessly Bound To The Stake

What were the pieces of information you chose?
Workers had to work hard for long hours and got paid very little.
The workers would end up in debt with the company.
Workers would be replaced with other people who would work for less.
Were labor unions neccessary? Why?
Labor unions back then were neccessary because they would improve the work conditions
and wages over time. Even though at the beggining they did not seem to work.

Did the Government help make monopolies? How? 
The Government did help to make monopolies because they made laws with very little power to stop the rich from making monopolies. They also did not have any laws to protect the workers so they were underpaid and worked in bad and dangerous conditions.

How did money in politics contribute to this cartoon? How has this changed? 
Money in politics contributed to this cartoon because the rich would get the laws to be helpful to them only while the workers had to suffer in those conditions. It has changed now because workers have more rights and are protected now by laws that keep them from being overworked.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are The Old Boses Still In Charge?

What is the setting for the cartoon?
the setting for the cartoon is the senate of the United States (bicameral government/ House of Represenatives)

What entrance is open, what entrance is closed?
The Monopolists entrance is the one that is open and the peoples is closed which is wrong because the people should have a say and get to choose.

Who do you think the large men at the back of the room represent?
I think the large men at the back are all the monopolists. the rich people.

Why would the large men be in the room in the first place?
They are there to show that they have power in the government and are part of the creation of the laws.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rise of Industry and Monopolies

What were the three main causes of industrial growth in America?
The three main causes for industrial growth in America were 
caused by the Government who supported the business, a 
growing urban population which meant cheap labor lots of workers
and a market for new products because there were more people.
The last thing was there was a wealth of natural resources in America.

Trusts and Monopolies during Americas early industrial age created
a society where workers had to work very hard for little pay. there
was hardly any competition sense one company would own almost
all the if not all the companies of the same type. this meant you had to pay
whatever price they would set for there supplies and no way to get
them cheaper like oil. this was not good for the people of the U.S.